"Audio Switcher" Tab

You can configure here an integrated filter - audio switcher.

Audio switcher is used to work with files which contain two or more audio tracks.It can be AVI, OGM, VOB, MKV and some other. If audio switcher is turned off, all audio tracks will be played simultaneously. Audio switcher is here for playing only one track and for switching between them.

Enable built-in audio switcher filter... - enables this filter :).

Down-sample to 44100 Hz - decreases samplerate to 44100 Hz, this is useful if you have a soundcard which doesn't support samplerates higher than 44100 Hz.

Audio time shift - you choose a shift of sound relatively to video. It's very useful feature if the sound goes faster or slower than video. Since audio time shift can be configured by +/- on the part of keyboard which contains only numbers (right one) with the step of 10 ms.

Enable custom channel mapping - it can be used if you need to change distribution of sound chanels through you speakers. For example, distribution of stereo on 4 speakers looks this way:

Mixing of 5.1 channels in 2 front speakers (I don't have 5.1 soundcard and can't test it, if you can do this - write to me) must be set in such a way:

As MPC gives you great abilities, there also a lot of other variants you may use.

 ©2003-2005 YDY  |  Translated by Fireball